1462-1505     Grand Prince Ivan III (the Great)     

1505-1533     Grand Prince Vasili

1533-1584     Ivan IV (the Terrible) *

1584-1598     Fedor I

1598-1605     Boris Godunov

1605-1613     False Dmitri

* First Tsar


1613-1645     Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov - Was born on July 18, 1596, and was  the first Romanov ruler of Russia. Before he ruled he lived with his mother in the village of Domnina, the family estate of the Romanovs. At the age of 16, he was elected Sovereign of All Russia in Moscow's Red Square by the Zemskii Sobor (Assembly of the Land) on February 21, 1613.  On July 11, 1613, the title of Tsar was bestowed upon him, in the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. During his reign he established a unified Russian state, ended internal conflicts and resumed relations with foreign states. He made various early reforms, particularly in the Russian army. His first marriage was to Marie Vladimirovna Dologorukava. His second marriage was to Evdokia Lukianovna Streshneva. Mikhail died on July 13, 1645, from dropsy. He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin.   

1645-1676     Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (the Gentlest Tsar) - He was born on March 19, 1629, and died on January 30, 1676. He became Tsar after the death of his father, (Mikhail) on July 16, 1645. He was called the Gentlest Tsar because of his docile nature. His rule was distinguished by active internal and external policies. A collection of laws, The Code of the Assembly, was passed on his personal authority in 1649. He supported Nikon, Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, in religious reforms. His greatsest foreign policy achievements were the unification of Russia and Ukraine and preventing an invasion by Crmean Tartars into central regions of the country. His first marriage was to Marie II'inishna Miloslavskaya. His second marriage was to Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. On his death in 1676, he was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin.   

1676-1682     Fedor II Alexeevich Romanov - He was born on April 30, 1661 and died on April 27, 1682.

1682-1689     Sofia (regent) **

1689-1725     Peter I (the Great)

1725-1727     Catherine I

1727-1730     Peter II

1730-1740     Anne

1740-1741     Ivan VI

1741-1762     Elizabeth

1762-1762     Peter III

1762-1796     Catherine II (the Great)

1801-1825     Alexander I

1825-1855     Nicholas I

1855-1881     Alexander II

1881-1894     Alexander III

1894-1917     Nicholas II

** Sofia was Peter the Great's Step mother she played regent so was not actually a Tsarina.


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